Century Construction is very pleased to highlight the following project updates:
Tupelo Groundbreaking
The most recent Century project to break ground in Tupelo, Mississippi is the newest area branch of First American National Bank. Century Construction has an ongoing relationship with First American, and we are very pleased to have played a part in their success and growth as they continue to expand, particularly in North Mississippi.
Vicksburg Sports Force Park
Century Construction is pleased to be taking part in the creation of 6 new state-of-the-art buildings to complement Vicksburg’s local youth baseball, softball, and soccer fields. The buildings include a maintenance facility as well as structures for entry & registration, concessions, a grill, comfort facility and golf operations.

Vicksburg Sports Force Groundbreaking
Opening Spring 2019, Sports Force Parks on the Mississippi will feature professional-level synthetic turf fields, on-site recreation and entertainment options, and high quality concessions. Much gratitude is due the City of Vicksburg for helping to make this project a viable reality. In fact, there’s so much excitement surrounding the development that Sports Force Parks has set up a live construction cam for the public to follow its progress.
Click here to check out the live construction cam!
Mississippi Valley State Dormitory Renovation
Century Construction is proud to be taking part in the complete renovation of an existing dorm building at Mississippi Valley State University. Century is creating 85 new bedrooms in addition to study halls, lounge areas and a brand new computer lab. We’ve long been impressed with Valley’s commitment to their campus and facilities, and we’re happy to help them take this dorm project to the next level. Century is committed to partnering with Mississippi’s universities to enhance, improve, and beautify their campuses and buildings — and Mississippi Valley State University is certainly no exception.